Are you self medicating the pain and discomfort inside you that are aching to be healed?
Are you ignoring the signs of your own wake up call?
Is your life speaking to you... Wake up, it’s possible! Wake up, it is time!! Or is your Soul whispering... SHOUTING… demanding?
Is your life being squeezed out of you… feeling numb, just going through the motions or are you avoiding your life?
Is it another drink… buying something new… getting stoned… feeling the compulsion to eat?
Yes, for some people this may be the crutch they need now. Beautiful! The potential to wake up and choose a new way is vibrating at all times. Be willing to see the crutch you need now and understand that now isn't forever. It is just now. We have been gifted with the power of the Present Moment to choose a new way, from the Creator.
See the ways that you are using various methods to numb yourself to your wounds and your own pain, to your truth and your Soul calling for you to wake up.
What does all of this look like for you... in your unique life? What are your unique lessons? Remember... you came here to live life and to learn from all of your experiences.
Spirit showed me we are going through our life experiences as part of life.
How we go through these Life experiences is everything.
Each experience is an opportunity for serving God, Mother Source Light and Christ transmuting all through Love and making Sacred and Holy.
All Serves the Divine if we decide it will.
All Serves our Souls if we decide it will. You can choose to intentionally open a door for a new way... a new way of coping, a more effective way of dealing with life and being in the world. Feel the potential vibrating before you… right now.