Below The Star of David during 2018 & 2019 in the Eastern Sky. I would be called by The Holy Spirit to the window from bed at all hours of the night to Pray over Signs and Wonders. Acts 2:17 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Below I had two Holy encounters with Angels that would change shape and turned into Orbs which would also flash in response to me asking them to flash. One of these Blessed encounters was in 2018 & the other in 2019.
Below are some Angel Cloud photos. The first Angel photo was taken March 10th, 2021. I was able to take a series of 10 photos total. On this page I have the first photo in this series.
The Angel has a pure white Heart cloud to the right of her head, with some rainbow colors. Spirit Love, Fun and a reminder of God's promise!
I was working on my laptop when The Holy Spirit called me out to our master deck where the Huge Cloud Angel was just above our house. This was such a Holy experience.
I was told by The Holy Spirit that this Angel was assigned to watch over me and my family.
There are also Heavenly Hosts above and around the Angel. This is typical when I am shown Signs & Wonders that the Hosts show up too.
I need to say that I am very grateful for Kat Kerr and her Sacred office as a Revelator for God. Holy Spirit brought her video clips to me, as I had never heard of her or any of the current Prophets. Kat has taught using Scripture and from being a Seer what the Warring Angels & Hosts actually look like. Including Dragon looking Hosts.
The two Angel photos below: started off having a circular Rainbow Head and then this transformed into a Rainbow Heart Head on 9.15.21
I had just finished a Coaching session and was nudged to my window by the Holy Spirit, such a Heavenly and encouraging Sign & Wonder confirmation in serving Our Lord.
Below the Lion of Judah 5.11.22. Holy, Holy, Holy Sing the Hosts of Heaven!!!
Lion's Face in two photos below, one zoomed in and the other a macro shot were taken on 4.21.22.
I didn't know until a while after taking these photos that Holy Spirit had a Revelation within them. I just felt the Glory and Holiness when I took the pics.
I am still receiving confirmation and Revelation at this time. The Holy Spirit has guided me to set a template out into the atmosphere with these Signs & Wonders photos for now, Amen.
The photo series below was taken on 3.12.22 during Warrior Prayer Work Heavenly Hosts showed up and transformed during the Prayer Work. I have uploaded 5 of the photos 32 photos in this series, this was so Incredibly Holy.
The photo directly above is from this series below, unfortunately off and on I have difficulty with loading the photos they give me a hard time. Truth, there it is, my technically challenged bits.
A Heavenly Host Over Our Home on 3.9.22 During Major Warfare. Glory for being a Weapon for Christ! Hallelujah!!
I have these two photos on my Homepage as well. I put them here because I was guided to do so by Holy Spirit. When Holy Spirit guides me to do something I follow.
The two photos below are of Christ's Warrior Face with Rainbow Paint. One is the Macro shot Christ's Holy Face is at the top of the photo & the other is the Micro shot.
On 9.22.22 I was in Warrior Prayer and Praying to Christ's Holy Face to know what He Needed from me. During this Prayer Work Christ came in His Warrior Rainbow Paint & said that I was to be a Weapon for Him, as All His Followers & Body are to be, Amen & Hallelujah for Serving Our King of King & Lord of Lords!
Revelation 19:15 From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.
John 14:12“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”