We Don't Have To Know... We Just Have To Be Willing To Be Real
We don’t have to know. What needs to be known will show itself in our lives in Divine Time and then it will be known. Trust, if you are consciously being open to Seeing, you will be shown and if you miss something it will be shown again and again, potentially in a myriad of ways.
When we push into the discomfort of the unknown we become grounded. The more we are willing to push deeply into Mother Earth, the more grounded and open we become. When we practice this discipline, we gain more and more access to our own knowing and our natural intuitive faculties. And the discomfort, fear and unease dissipate much more quickly.
Feel the truth, if we push our discomfort, anger, fear, unease, wounding and trauma down, we condense our unprocessed feelings and emotions into charged energetic trigger points. When we make the choice to open up as much as humanly possible in deep surrender, honoring whatever is coming through us, we are then more aligned and grounded, creating the foundation to open up to whatever these feelings are trying to show and tell us. It is from this state, we make conscious and discerned choices regarding ourselves and lives.
The more we open up and give energetic room to our feelings, emotions, wounding and trauma the less of a charge our feelings, emotions, wounding and trauma have. Our feelings and emotions are guidance, it is true if we are clouded our feelings and emotions can be clouded. It is also true if we project our feeling/emotions onto others the guidance is muddied. It is also true, we must start where we are.
We must be willing to clean up our feelings and emotional life. Own all of our feelings and emotions in a grounded and responsible way. This is a main aspect of my work.
It is time to evolve. It is time to become comfortable being uncomfortable when it is needed and when the discomfort is present and trying to get our attention. This is guidance. Time to walk into a way of living and being that has not been known to you.
Getting deeply grounded is a needed set point for us, especially in healing... our evolution into wholeness. One aspect of this phase is we must initially be willing to live in the unknown.
For what is to come... is not known to us... not yet.
This is our deep walk in Trust and Faith... building our Spiritual muscles and integrity. We are all built for this, not only will we live, but we will truly and finally be alive and walk our way into our own wholeness.
We don’t have to know. All we need to do is be willing to participate and be accountable for our part and our lives. To show up with the intention of offering our Real selves out to the world, no matter what.
We don’t have to know. We just have to be willing to see the truth, to speak our discerned truth and follow our integrity. Follow our own internal compass and knowing in order to stay true to our Real authentic selves.
We don’t have to know. It is time to evolve into a deeper knowing and way of living. The old way of figuring everything out with our linear minds is dying out.
It is the era for our Heart minds to lead us, our Higher Selves, our Souls.
We just have to be willing to be Real, to be vulnerable and to show up in our authentic selves, just as we are and work with whatever comes from deep within us.
Here is a small whisper to your Soul, remember...
We are eternal Souls having lessons in Humanity. It is time to remember, we cannot actually be annihilated... this is an illusion and delusion of our ego. We can dissociate, become wounded and traumatized, have experiences in victimization and violation, go into mental illness or insanity, experience a Soul fracture... but our Soul cannot be annihilated.
Time to wake up. Time to open up to Spiritual Truth. Time to walk in our courage, discernment, owning our integrity with our Higher Selves leading the way. It is Time to Evolve!