I was given confirmation on May 15th, 2022 that my Prophetic Dream in the video on November 21st, 2021, "Man Has Come Into Agreement With God's Word" was about Roe v Wade.
The Supreme Courts decision to strike down Roe v Wade and hand this decision back to the States was what the Prophetic Word was referring to in the Dream... "Man Has Come Into Agreement With God's Word!"
What a powerful and righteous agreement for our World to come into agreement with Our Creator the Awakening regarding what is Truth and Morally Right.
Praise God's Holy Word! Hallelujah!
Bear with me, as I am not an artist or really good at drawing, this is my offering to what the Arc of The Covenant looked like. I did not attempt to draw myself and the other people that were rolling the Arc of The Covenant in great urgency in order to get the Word out to the World, because the true focus is this Holy Arc and the message from The Holy Spirit.