My Service $60.00 for 60 minutes or $90.00 for 90 minutes.
The usual time frame for Coaching is one to three months. This work is my Sacred Divine service and Spirit led mission.
My life and work perspective, All is Sacred... purposeful and needed for our Soul's expansion and evolution.
We are to Love and Transmute our trauma, wounding, dysfunction and Shadow into our Wisdom, expansion and evolution for our Divine Father-God, Mother-Creator & Christ-Son.
We are energy, frequency and vibration made in the image of our Creator. In frequency and vibration of our Creator there is masculine and feminine.
What Christ taught me was his walk bringing back the honor and Sacred regard for the Feminine. This was shown by his decision to have his Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene come along with the disciples. This was the safest and most grounded manner in which he could this back into some balance and forward the Feminine.