When you haven't been healthy, being healthy is unknown territory to varying degrees. The beginning stages of learning to be a healthy person can be confusing and somewhat overwhelming.
Our World is at the threshold of change. It is time to evolve. We are in the time frame where we are to walk into the Spiritual awareness that truth and reality are not a criticism. Quite the opposite, truth and reality are salvation and sanity.
I encourage you to be willing to see what your intentions and choices are in your everyday life and relationships. If your intentions and choices do not reflect who you truly are, your Higher Self, then be willing to choose differently... even if at first you feel uncomfortable while creating your new way. Sounds simple, because most people have been led by their egos, which work by making things complicated and a problem. Living from our Higher Selves or Spirit... simplicity.
All your new way needs is your willingness to feel uncomfortable in the beginning. Tenacity and perseverance are huge elements enabling you to keep walking as you learn to change how you cope and deal with your life and relationships with total honesty and integrity. Do not try to be careful, instead be real... be willing to offer your best and admit if you are wrong. Careful puts us in our heads and overthinks everything. This is not a healthy way of living or being.
Our authentic and healthy way of being is mindful. We must drop into our Hearts and our Heart Minds, as deeply into our bodies as humanly possible! Using breath work, energy work, stretching, walking in Nature and connecting is essential, music, dance, yoga, meditation are all powerful methods to reconnect with our Hearts/Heart Mind, Higher Selves and bodies.
Be open to seeing yourself and your life. Be open to feeling your own knowing and what it has been trying to show you. Be open to feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable. Time to have your own back and make the commitment to keep walking even when you feel afraid of the unknown... allow the magic of your healing work to unfold naturally.
Be Brave, pulling your unique version of Light Warrior energy forward, while holding the intention of only Divine Love and Light beaming through your entire being.
Our Souls know... we do not learn the depth of our lessons in the known. Our profound lessons are in the unknown. We also create our new way in the unknown.
We integrate truth, natural laws and the way of the Universe in the unknown... watch nature and you will see what I am teaching. We learn the depth of faith and trust while walking openly in the unknown.
Time to tell your ego and persona... "Today is a new day. I am willing to walk and be in the unknown... and my authentic and Higher Self are going to be leading my life now." Feel for the desire to be healthy. Feel your authenticity when being real and truthful.
Feel your ability to choose a new authentic and aligned way of being... holding the reality and the truth... you hold the power of present moment choice to heal your life and become whole.
Celebrate openness and willingness... living in the vibration of the magic of creation, honoring the Divine.
I was shown a couple of powerful tools by my Guides and Angels while in the process of coaching...
We are to hold the understanding that truth and reality are not criticisms. This ill notion is an ego lie and distortion. If your ego is leading your life, you will for the most part receive the truth and what is real as a criticism.
Another aspect of this lie... if something doesn't feel complimentary, it is a criticism. This is not to say someone isn't criticizing you, they absolutely may be criticizing you. The point is to be able to truly know the difference and in order to know the difference your ego must be behind and submitting to your Higher Self... your Soul.
This common ego perspective, seeing truth and reality as a criticism has run most people I have encountered. Please hold common sense awareness that if someone is criticizing you this is a criticism. The truth I have been shown to teach is... conscious awareness, the practice of dropping our energy as deep and low as possible into our bodies, choosing our heart-minds to lead us, being willing to hear, see and discern truth in our lives and about ourselves, healing including our Shadow work, having our own backs when actually being criticized by anyone unjustly and unfairly. Most importantly, being open to the Truth.
I am to teach people who are moving out of ego, arrogance and negativity to shift the pattern of thinking "they" are doing amazing and awesome; inflating their ego, believing they are so smart and superior, being "so right," which leads to arrogance, pride and dysfunction.
Living in this manner also creates entitlement. As most people have seen, Superior people feel entitled and become narcissistic to varying degrees; looking at our society and world we can see the proof of this being true.
Beautiful! Time for conscious awareness and time to Love All our life lessons, choosing to stop dysfunctional habits and patterns. Time to create healthy patterns, selves and lives, while integrating the wisdom from having contrast experiences.
I was shown to teach feeling good, right and proud of our choices and actions of fairness, integrity, decency, being truthful, Real, authentic, grounded, respectful and honorable. A powerful tool for transformation when we are integrating feelings of pride is to focus on "our choices, decisions and actions." This will help in being grounded with truth instead of inflating our egos.
The template example: Feel good, right and proud of the choice to be decent. Feel good, right and proud of the action of decency. Time to practice while holding the reality that truth is not going to kill us, truth is going to free us!
Wholeness beckons all... we need to have Pride in our choices and actions of integrity, being honorable, courageous and truthful. Stepping our way, even if it is inch by inch toward authenticity, cleaning up the cozy co-dependent agreements, addictions to feeling good only, lies, illusions and distortions.
In my walk awake, I have been shown addictions are driven by some form of wanting to feel good only, denial of truth and denial and avoidance of pain, discomfort and feeling badly about ourselves. Addiction boiled down becomes an attempt to feel good and to avoid and suppress what doesn't feel good.
It is through truth, healing and integration where we have our full faculties available for our intuitive sight, leading us out of denial, delusions and addictions into wholeness. Remember this is our destiny and this whole process is available to ALL.
We can ALL choose healing and truth... walking into our authentic, aligned, whole selves, offering our gifts to our lives and the World and best of all, being Real.