Choose to see the power of present moment Choice. The present moment potential vibrating before you... choose healing, integrity, truth, justice, decency and authenticity.
At first, using the present moment in making the choice for a new way, living in authenticity, alignment, Being Real, and Truthful. Having your Spirit and Higher Self lead your life, not your ego or persona.
If you find your ego putting up walls, in order to protect your heart and wounded inner child... remember you can choose to allow the walls to be broken down. You may need to choose consciously moment by moment to break them down moment by moment then minute by minute. This may be a repetitive choice process but if you are willing to be persistent, it can be done.
If we were to understand the power of choice at any given moment to change our lives, we would not fear choice but instead be excited at the prospect of having the freedom to choose. For example, just as you were making a choice to defend your walls and to keep them up... even if this choice felt unconscious... this would still be a choice. You now have the freedom for a new way.
The beauty of freewill you can now make a different choice, the choice to tear down the walls around your heart. The choice to heal. This might be seeking help through counseling, calling a grounded friend or if your lean is toward self help, through the plethora of books and resources that are readily available today. It has been exciting to see public libraries expanding their book selections to include the self help genre.
What I have witnessed throughout my life is how people want desperately to believe they don't have a choice, especially in areas that seem to be going wrong. They feel they can’t help what has happened and that their life is not their creation. People can, at times want to believe this so much that they become somewhat insane rather than own their life and their choices. Owning our lives is the clean internal power we are seeking. This opens us up to our integrity and alignment with our authentic selves and it is also the door to our freedom. We must clean up our internal house, our Temple, emotional wounding, trauma in order to heal. We are only clean emotionally and clear emotionally when we have healed our wounds and trauma... shined the Light on our Shadow and welcomed all aspects of Self with our Higher Self at the Helm.
I am not saying that we are responsible for other people or their choices that impact our lives. We are %110 responsible for our choices and actions, not others. Our responsibility if someone is impacting our lives is to discern what decisions or actions must be made based on the context of what is happening. Our most effective means of accomplishing this is through our Higher Self and knowing.
Present moment choice and intention is powerful! Time to see All. Time to see Ourselves and then we can truly see Others.
Choose to see.
Choose to feel.
Choose to feel your body and your feelings.
Choose to see and not deny.
Choose discomfort when it is here... don’t numb and distract your way out of it.
Choose to surrender.
Choose to be vulnerable.
Choose accountability and rectification.
Choose boundaries... no or stop if necessary.
Choose to insist on respect for self and others.
Choose truth.
Choose your own knowing.
Choose integrity.
Choose to allow the walls to keep crumbling at your feet.
Choose Real.
Choose YES! This can be done.
Choose to heal.
This process may take practice and dedication. During the healing process it is common to experience vacillation... this is a natural aspect of change and transformation. Remember, healing from the experience of victimization and powerlessness is part of your Soul's lesson. It is Time to shift into the fullness of your Authentic Spirit led self.
The magic of choosing what is Real and Authentic each moment is you never know which moment of choice... will shift your life completely and create your current of change.
The Universe always meets us where we are. This is the Law of the Universe responding to our actions, intentions and choices. The Universe is always supporting us, even when it does not feel like it.
Nature Scene with Sunrise my iPhone 12 on Spirit's Land, Frankfort, KY. Header and Footer Photographs...